8 April 2023
I am not a victim of life.
Or my mind
Or my emotions
I am not a victim of other people’s moods.
Or emotions
I am not a victim to change.
Or heartache
And loss.
This is life.
We must control our own mind.
We must regulate our emotions.
Be mindful of people’s moods and try to not take them personally.
Be sensitive to the emotions of others.
Emotionally and physically.
But too many exposed raw nerves is an imbalance.
We must commit to finding healing first, then deal with the pattern second.
Tiptoeing around the moods of others is an imbalance.
Accountability is part of the balance.
Begin with your own.
Self-Accountability vs Accountability between Others-
Be accepting of any known consequence that may come as a result of making mistakes.
Improve from any unknown consequence that came as a result of making those mistakes.
Figure out how our own morals weigh with/against the consequences of
our mistakes.
Try not to repeat the same mistakes once we find balance within our answers.
At some point, I owe it to myself to stop and feel the way I would feel if I truly believed that things were going to be OK.
Because what if they are?
I need to be OK for my own health either way.
I really hope it will be.
“OK” is balance.
Balance is “OK”
I really hope it will be.
I need to be OK for my own health either way.
Because what if they are?
At some point, I owe it to myself to stop and feel the way I would feel if I truly believed that things were going to be OK.
Try not to repeat the same mistakes once we find balance within our answers.
Figure out how our own morals weigh with/against the consequences of
our mistakes.
Improve from any unknown consequence that came as a result of making those mistakes.
Be accepting of any known consequence that may come as a result of making mistakes.
Self-Accountability vs Accountability between Others-
Begin with your own.
Accountability is part of the balance.
Tiptoeing around the moods of others is an imbalance.
We must commit to finding healing first, then deal with the pattern second.
But too many exposed raw nerves is an imbalance.
Emotionally and physically.
Be sensitive to the emotions of others.
Be mindful of people’s moods and try to not take them personally.
We must Regulate our emotions.
We must control our own mind.
This is life.
And loss.
Or heartache
I am not a victim to change
Or emotions
I am not a victim of other people’s moods.
Or my emotions
Or my mind
I am not a victim of life.